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Types of fish hooks:

Tian Pingzi: Made of tungsten vanadium alloy, its characteristics are light, hard, and sharp! The fishing design is reasonable and not easy to unhook, which can fully leverage the advantages of small hooks and big fish!
New Kanto: This hook type has no barbs, a long hook handle, sharp hook tip, wide hook door, high fish catching rate, and the advantage of fast fishing and quick retrieval. Suitable for fishing freshwater fish species. For example: crucian carp, tilapia, etc.
Improved New Kanto: This hook type is slightly improved on the hook type in New Kanto, with a longer hook handle compared to New Kanto, making it fast to catch and suitable for freshwater fish species.
Guanfu Qianyou: The tail end of this hook type hook handle is curved into a circular shape, and the hook type is the same as Qianyou. The fishing line is tied to the hook through the hook handle ring and firmly tied to catch larger fish. It is often used for fishing fierce fish in the sea, and it is difficult for fish to escape after eating the hook.
Qianyou: This hook type has inverted spines, mostly with a long handle. The hook tip bends inward, is not parallel to the hook handle and tilts outward (commonly known as the “crooked mouth hook”), making it difficult for fish to escape after swallowing the hook. Suitable for various freshwater fish species and is also the most commonly used sea fishing hook.
Xiaoji: This hook has barbs. The hook handle is shorter than Iseni, the hook body is thicker, and the hook body is slightly curved. The rate of catching fish is high. Suitable for freshwater carp, grass carp, aconite, etc.
Sleeve: This hook type has no barbs. The hook tip is sharp, the hook handle is long, and the hook bar is thin. The hook body is light, suitable for small fish species that inhale and feed. Quick fishing and quick retrieval are commonly used for fishing white crucian carp, small white strips, and so on.
Ishni: This hook is divided into two types: with barbs and without barbs. The hook handle is short, the hook body is thick, and the hardness of the fish hook is good. Fish are less likely to spit out hooks after entering their mouths, with a higher rate of eating hooks than long handled hooks, making them suitable for catching large fish in freshwater. For example: grass carp, bighead fish, carp, etc. In throwing fishing, this hook is also commonly used to make a sucking explosive hook.
Yi Dou: This hook type has inverted spines, with a slightly outward slanted hook tip, a longer hook handle, and a sharp hook tip. Suitable for freshwater, suitable for fishing mud carp, aconites, etc.